Lançamento da meta nacional para a igualdade de género
A Global Compact Network Portugal, no âmbito do programa acelerador Target Gender Equality, lança a Meta Nacional para a Igualdade de Género, desafiando as empresas portuguesas a alcançar 40% de Mulheres em Cargos de Decisão (Conselho de Administração / Comissão Executiva / Direções de 1.ª Linha) até 2030. Uma iniciativa ancorada no ODS 5 – Igualdade de Género da Agenda 2030 da ONU e que conta com o apoio da Secretaria de Estado para a Cidadania e a Igualdade, CIG - Comissão para a Cidadania e a Igualdade de Género e CITE - Comissão para a Igualdade no Trabalho e no Emprego.
A Meta Nacional para a Igualdade de Género será apresentada no próximo dia 30 de novembro, no Palácio Foz, em Lisboa, com a participação das Empresas Bandeira que já assinaram a Carta Compromisso, assumindo a liderança de um movimento que se pretende transversal a todo o tecido empresarial português, consubstanciando o contributo de Portugal para o cumprimento da Agenda 2030 da ONU.

Organizations are, today, the greatest way to structure human work. The Organization has been a reality since human beings began to understand that they had more success and survival when they formed a group that was organized for a certain purpose, generating specialization and leadership. Only recently has the organization started to be seen as an “entity” and not just as a circumstance. It was only in the last few decades that the doctrine of management - linked to resources, has been separated from the doctrine of governance – linked to people. We are still learning to “govern” organizations, but we already know that they will have to be “social entities” and not “foreign bodies”.
As part of the Society, the organization must reflect and echo reality. Even more so if the organization is intended to generate social and economic value. Therefore, it seems evident that the organization will be more successful if it seeks to ensure that the equality and diversity found in its surroundings are present in its decision-making process.
Thus, it is reasonable to admit that a prejudice that leads to the limitation of women in management and top management positions is, by itself, a serious limitation to the proper functioning of an organization and its continued survival. The opposite will even be a factor of competitiveness, given the slow pace with which this process takes place in other geographies and the obstacles it faces.
Since Gender Equality is a matter of Human Rights and one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, it would be reasonable to think that it will be a short time before we can move on to indifference on this matter, as it has been achieved. But no, because old practices and obsolete beliefs are still present in the pervasive culture.
Thus, it is necessary to propose new challenges and set new goals. This is the case of the National Target for Gender Equality.
Global Compact Network Portugal proposes, as a step towards parity, the challenge of 40% female participation in higher decision-making levels, as it is convinced that it is another step in the modernization of the Portuguese economy and its organizations.