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The Ten Principles

A framework for responsible business based on United Nations declarations and conventions.

The sustainability in a company starts with its value system and a principles. By incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact – focused on the areas of human rights, labour practices, environmental protection and anti-corruption – into their strategies, processes and operations, the organizations are taking the responsibility within the people and the planet, and are stablishing the basis for short and medium term success.

The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact become from four universally accepted declarations and conventions:

Since the approval of the 2030 Agenda, in 2015, the UN Global Compact also encourages the companies to integrate the 17 Sustainable Development Goals into their strategies, processes and operations.

Human Rights

  1. As empresas devem apoiar e respeitar a proteção dos direitos humanos, reconhecidos internacionalmente;

    Garantir a sua não participação em violações dos direitos humanos.

Labour Practices

  1. As empresas devem apoiar a liberdade de associação e o reconhecimento efetivo à negociação coletiva;

    A abolição de todas as formas de trabalho forçado e obrigatório;

    Abolição efetiva do trabalho infantil;

    Eliminação da discriminação no emprego.

Environmental Protection

  1. As empresas devem apoiar uma abordagem preventiva aos desafios ambientais;

    Realizar iniciativas para promover a responsabilidade ambiental;

    Encorajar o desenvolvimento e a difusão de tecnologias amigas do ambiente.


  1. As empresas devem combater a corrupção em todas as suas formas, incluindo extorsão e suborno.

Discover the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

The Global Compact Network Portugal (GCNP) is the Portuguese network of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), which brings together participants of the initiative based or operating in Portugal.

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