President's Message
In the name of the Global Compact Network Portugal (GCNP), the Portuguese network of the UN Global Compact, I welcome everyone who visits this website, created to inform and support the knowledge about its programmes and initiatives, as well as encourage everyone to participate in this global movement of Organizations, business and non-business.
The UN Global Compact is, today, a central entity in Sustainability, based on Ten Principles. Aggregating thousands of multinational companies around the world, it offers a space for dialogue, a means of action, an ethical framework, a guide for the UN 2030 Agenda, a reputational integration, support for practices and tools for execution.
The participation in the UN Global Compact, through the GCNP, integrates the Organization into a vast family committed to build the World we all want, where no one is left behind and where future generations fully benefit from the wonderful assets of Nature, the common heritage of Humanity and a legacy that we must leave enriched and not squandered.
Being part of this vast global initiative means internalize into the Organization the equality in the diversity, the valuable contribution of all Human Beings, according to their own characteristics, integrate the Organization in the global economy and needs, in a purpose of a work that is able to solve problems, and not create them, get value gains by contributing for a better life.
Subscribing the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact means make an Ethical commitment with the stakeholders, the Environment, the Society and the organization itself, in its ecosystem of employees, shareholders, suppliers, customers and everyone who depends on its successful existence. It means make the commitment of leading for the Common Well, for the shared value, for the continuation of the collective and organizational life, apart of those who have the responsibility of guide it in every stage.
We belong to a big reality – the one of the global institutions that seek to build a better World for the future generations. But we also belong to a big dream – the one of a World without barriers, where all Human Being have the possibility to be happy, free from Poverty, Hunger and Fear.
Browsing this website is already participating in these plans. Welcome.
Mário Parra da Silva
President of the Global Compact Network Portugal

Mário Parra da Silva
President of the Global Compact Network Portugal